API Spec's Design Packages

Companies aiming for certification to certain API Specifications often find the design and engineering section an obstacle difficult to overcome due to the lack of experienced engineers.

Inertia therefore offers candidates to certification to provide the engineering expertise as an “outsource service” and guarantying as well a complete integration of Inertia’s QMS procedure with client’s own procedures for a full compliance to API requirements.

Inertia has successfully delivered such packages to companies that are now API Spec 4F certified.

Our design package can be produced based on the reverse engineering of an existing monogramable product or the design of a new monogramable product. It may be produced for Drilling Masts, Well Servicing Mast, Substructure, offshore Derricks in the case of API Spec 4F.


For other API Specs covering a broader scope of equipment such as API Spec 7K and API Spec 8C, please contact us so that a thorough understanding of the actual product requirement is clarified and for us to provide you with the best possible option.

For more information, please send us a message via the contact page and our team will reach out to you at the earliest.